Deidre Dalton: About the Larkin Estate




Larkin Estate Details: Widow's Walk

(Above): The Widows Walk atop the Larkin mansion.


The Widow's Walk is accessed through a rounded, wooden door located in the attic at the Larkin mansion. The door leads to the Widow's Walk on top of the house, which affords a sweeping view of the estate and Larkin City in the distance.


Rather than a simple, railed-roof platform that was found atop many coastal homes, John Larkin built his Widow's Walk so it ran almost the entire length of the house. Instead of wooden railings, the protective barriers are made of gray stone and reach elbow-high. From the Widow's Walk, one can easily view the lighthouse, the keeper's cottage, family cemetery, the A-frame cottage and Larkin City in distance.


Please Note: The picture displayed above is an actual view from Biltmore House and remains their sole copyright (re: Chris K).


Images referenced to the Collective Obsessions Saga provided inspiration to the author's imagination but remain fictional in context.


Deidre Dalton